D.A.J.S, The ARTBOii?
The Artist | The Art | The BranD
Danangelowe A.J Spencer (D.A.J.S.) is a multifaceted Jamaican born artist whose creative work includes, film, photography, graphic design, music, mixed medium paintings etc. Passionate about visual storytelling & conceptual art, Danangelowe continues to expand his horizon in the direction of becoming a multimedia artist and creative director.
In a quest to continuously understand life and its fundamental truths, Danangelowe’s art often poses a question to its audience. This element can be found in his philosophy that art should not provide the viewer with an answer to their curiosity but rather enable them to find their own truths through questioning and reasoning with oneself.
While receiving a formal education, Danangelowe created the brand ARTBOii and D.A.J.S Visuals, an ever-expanding subdivision of the brand. ARTBOii is a streaming culmination of different creative form through the subconscious of Danangelowe, the Artist.
Furthermore, as a brand the aim is to no longer be stationary or walled, but to be free from traditional displays, more mobile, more visible and wearable at anyone’s leisure.
A.R.T; My ART Is A Reflection Of My REALITY Which Is My Ultimate TRUTH .
To understand an artist you must first understand the foundation from which he started. For Danangelowe A.J Spencer (ARTBOII) a great amount of influence came from his institution of formal studies.
Art, Reality & Truth has and will always be the fundamental ground of reasoning for ARTBOii. This edited version of the original film will share the many facets of what ART means and What Is The Job Of The Artist.
This short film is a rendering of the original A.R.T Film: The Journey Of An Artist.