The New Plastic Bag?
…as the RE series continues, I, ARTBOii continues to share my stream of consciousness as it pertains to the new cycle. In the past year tote bags have drastically become frequent in the shopping process so much so that I often think to myself this is “the new plastic bag”… riddled with the obvious, the irony and visual/textual entendre, a trait i continue to explore in my text base work, i decided to dedicate a very limited amount of Organic cotton tote bags with the message THE NEW PLASTIC BAG. On the opposite side of the bags the message, again, is obvious and familiar to the eye because it is the same message you see on one of the most widely used generic plastic bags. THANK (X6), Have A Nice Day.
To get one of these bags its simple,
Follow @Artboii.Studio on Instagram
Comment @ 3 brands name that utilizes sustainability efforts in their process. IE @pangaia
DM Me Can I Have A New Plastic Bag When You Finish All The Above.
OR Make A Small Donation & Send Me Your Confirmation Email.
*These bags are very limited, flawed, and hand made in the name of ART, by ARTBOII.*
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You [ARTBOii] Thank You, Thank You, Thank You… HAVE A NICE DAY!!!